Resources for Quitting Cigarettes

Popular books about quitting smoking

There are many helpful and information books about quitting smoking to guide you through your smoking cessation journey. Some have gained popularity and recognition for their effectiveness in helping readers quit the habit. Three especially well-known and influential books on quitting smoking include:

  1. ‘Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking’ by Allen Carr: This book is considered one of the most famous and successful resources for quitting smoking. Carr’s unique approach aims to change the reader’s perspective on smoking, making it easier to quit without feeling deprived.

  2. The Nicotine Trick: The Totally New Way to Stop Smoking‘ by Neal Benowitz and David L. Guthrie: Written by a physician and a psychologist, this book explores the science behind nicotine addiction and offers practical strategies to quit smoking.

  3. The Quit Smoking Answer: An Allen Carr Handbook‘ by Allen Carr: Another book by Allen Carr, this handbook provides additional insights and guidance for individuals looking to quit smoking using his method.

Online courses to help you quit smoking

  1. Quit Smoking Online Programs: Many health organizations and government agencies offer free or low-cost online programs to help individuals quit smoking. These programs often include information, interactive tools, and support.

  2. Quitline Programs: National and local quitlines often provide telephone support, but some also offer online resources, including personalized coaching and counseling.

Mobile apps for smoking cessation

  1. MyQuit Coach (by Dr. Quit): MyQuit Coach is a mobile app that provides a personalized plan, goal tracking, and motivational content to support individuals in their smoking cessation journey.

  2. Quit Genius: This app offers personalized support, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) exercises, and a chatbot to help users quit smoking.

Other resources

Find out whether there exists a local support group for individuals in your area who want to quit smoking. A support group may facilitate regular meet-ups in which you can meet other people who are also looking to kick the habit. A good support group should provide a non-judgmental safe space in which you can share your own experiences while getting inspired by others. 

Your local library may have books, audio tapes and other resources to help you on your smoking cessation journey. However the best medical advice you can gain regarding your own personal journey is through consultation with a health care professional. Speak to your doctor about your reasons, struggles, questions and concerns when it comes to quitting cigarettes.
